By Laws and Constitution of the Michigan Interscholastic Golf Coaches Association

Article I TITLE
Section 1 The name of this organization be: “The Michigan Interscholastic Golf Coaches Association” (A non-profit organization)

Section 1 The objectives of the organization are:

  1. To promote competitive golf, generally and specifically in Michigan
  2. To promote, understand and follow the USGA rules governing golf
  3. To promote any and all good recreational pursuits on the golf course.
  4. To promote the continued growth of golf programs through cooperation with and recommendations to the National High School Athletic Coaches Association (NHSACA), the Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA), and the Michigan Professional Golf Association (MPGA).
  5. To disseminate information pertaining to golf programs in the State of Michigan.
  6. To recognize interscholastic golfers and coaches.
  7. To conduct statewide and regional clinics.
Section 1 Rights of membership
  1. All MIGCA members shall have a voice and vote at all general meetings, receive all publications, be eligible for Coach of the Year, be eligible for election to office, and may attend the annual business meeting and clinics.
Section 2 Qualifications
  1. Regular membership shall be limited to active High School and Junior High School golf coaches within the State of Michigan.
  2. Associate Membership is available to any other person interested in the betterment of Michigan High School Golf Programs. Associate members shall be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of the Association except that they shall not vote, hold office.
  3. Honorary Memberships may be given to any individual outside the coaching profession who has rendered some special service to golf programs in the State of Michigan. Honorary members may be elected by a majority of the vote of the Executive Committee at any regular meeting called by the President. Honorary members shall be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of the Association
    except that they shall not vote, hold office, or pay dues.
  4. Lifetime Membership is available to any retired member of the Association with ten (10) years of service in the Association. Lifetime members shall be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of the Association. A one-time fee to be determined by the Executive Committee will be required.

Section 1 The officers of the Association shall include President, President-Elect, Immediate Past-President, Secretary, Treasurer, MHSCA State, Ratings Director, Special Events Coordinator, and Publicity Director.

Section 2 The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the Association.

Section 3 The term of office shall in all cases be for a period of two years.

Section 4 Duties of the Officers
  1. The President shall preside at all regular and special meetings of the Association, but shall have no vote except in the case of a tie vote. The President may attend all Committee meetings.
  2. The President-Elect shall perform the duties of the President in his absence. The President-Elect shall be a member of all committees.
  3. The Past-President shall perform duties as delegated by the President.
  4. The Secretary shall keep minutes and records of all meetings and committee reports, and perform all duties assigned by the President.
  5. Treasurer shall receive dues and other monies; maintain membership records; shall pay all bills and expenses of the Association; shall keep and show an account of all receipts and purposes of funds paid out; and shall keep vouchers for various items.
  6. The MHSCA State Delegate shall represent MIGCA concerns to the state and national Coaches Associations shall represent MIGCA concerns to the MPGA; shall represent MIGCA concerns to the GAM.
  7. The Ratings Director shall research information regarding the golf programs at MIGCA member schools; shall establish a ranking based on the research; shall inform the media of such rankings.
  8. The Special Events Coordinator shall organize the Awards Banquet and shall organize other events as deemed necessary by the executive committee.
  9. The Public Relations Director shall inform media of all noteworthy events of the Association, its members, and members golf programs, shall provide information for publication in various media.
Section 5 Election of Officers
  1. All officers will be elected in the spring of every even numbered year.
  2. Nomination Procedure: Nominations shall come from the active members to the President by a required deadline set by the President.
  3. Election Procedure: Officers shall be elected by written ballots cast by Individual members in person or by regular mail and returned to the President within a designated time frame. The candidate with the most votes will assume the designated position.
Section 6 Vacancy in Office
  1. A vacancy in office shall be filled by appointment of the Executive Committee for the remainder of the un-expired term.

Section 1 In the spring there will be a business meeting and clinic. Other meetings can be called at the discretion of the President, but must be publicized to the membership at least two weeks before the date of the meeting.

Section 2 Twenty-five percent (25%) of the paid-up membership of the Association, plus the President or President-Elect, and one member of the Executive Committee constitute a quorum.

Section 3 Executive Committee meetings shall be held at the discretion of the President.

Section 1
  1. Amendments to this constitution must be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least three weeks prior to the Spring Business Meeting.
  2. Proposed Amendments will be included with the Agenda of the meeting sent to each member.
  3. Amendments must receive a two-thirds majority vote of all the membership present at a regular meeting to be adopted.
Article VII
Section 1 Obligation of Members
  1. Each member shall pledge to uphold the Constitution and Bylaws as prescribed by the Association and in no way commit any act that will cause any embarrassment to the Association.
  2. Each member, if appointed to the State Golf Committee, is obligated to represent MIGCA.
Section 2 Dues and Fees. Membership dues shall be such amount as might be determined necessary by the Executive Board. Members Failing to pay dues may be dropped from membership.

Section 3 Roberts Rules Of Order shall govern the procedures this Association.

Section 4 Removal of Officers. Any officer who fails to perform his duty shall be subject to removal from office by two-thirds majority vote of the members present at a regular meeting.

Section 5 Committees shall be appointed by the President as needed.

Section 6 Ethics. The MIGCA will incorporate MHSCA code of ethics

Section 7 Suspension and Amendments of Bylaws. Any section of the Bylaws may be amended or a new section may be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the members present at a regular meeting.
  1. In case of emergency any article of the Bylaws may be suspended by unanimous vote of all members present.
Section 8 Dissolution of the Organization (amended May, 2009) Upon the dissolution of the organization assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes with the meaning of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future
tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose.